Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finding a Writer (2 of 3)

I needed a writer who:

1) Had written a short/feature accepted to a major film festival ala Sundance, Berlin, Cannes, or Toronto.

2) I've seen their work and can write something gut-wrenching, that will leave an audience crying or pissed off in under 15 minutes.

It was a very short list and I had never spoken to any of these writers.

Here is the list:

1) Loren Marsh     The Youth in Us- Sundance

2) Thomas Nowell     Sick Sex, Acting for the Camera- Sundance, Sundance

3) David Michod      Spider, Netherland Dwarf- Sundance, Aspen Shortsfest

4) Jeffrey Blitz        Rocket Science- Sundance

5) Rian Johnson      Brick-Sundance

I had recently been working with a director, helping him find funding for his 3-D epic, as well as helping him contact agents for possible cast. I called Pamela Anderson's agent, Domonic Monohan, even Dicaprio's agent for fun. When I called I represented Bohemia Film, and doors opened. I thought I'd use my newfound knowledge in trying to find a writer for myself.

I had spent months developing a film treatment with Clay (Another AFI Producing fellow and graduate) and I was very confident in what I had.

The logline read (which is registered with the WGA, so don't think about using it lol): Struggling to write a eulogy for his recently deceased fiance, Henry tries a drug that is suppose to enhance the memories of his lost love. If the drug in fact works.

So I called up CAA to speak with Jeffrey Blitz's agent.

I called the front desk.

Operator: CAA

Me: Can I have _______ ________.

Operator: (no response) ::connects me::

CAA Agent's Desk: _________ _________'s office.

Me: Hi, this is Philip Giordano from Leeds Street Productions I'm interested in sending a film treatment to Jeffrey Blitz to see if he'd be interested in developing the script.

CAA: Where are you from?

Me: I'm Phil Giordano from Leeds Street Productions, I was hoping I could get an assistant's email and I could send the treatment over.

CAA: Jeffrey Blitz doesn't read unsolicited material.


I needed help.

I emailed the director of The Youth in Us, a friend, and an AMAZING actor, director, and writer. I was familiar with Joshua because I loved his film and when I was in post on my last short, The Empty Playground, a short where I needed an excellent composer for, he helped me out. 

So I called on Joshua again, this time to hook me up with Loren, famed writer of The Youth in Us and Vriginity (starring Amanda Peet). And Joshua, for a director who is in post on his 1st feature and a regular on HUNG, he was incredibly gracious and quick.

I spoke with Loren, who I ultimately have learned has written and directed 2 features, the latest, Invitation to a Suicide has gotten distribution from Warner Brothers, and we setup a writing schedule.

Please check out my next post titled: Getting a Producer!

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